Sometimes may be difficult to remove facial hair, prefers the use of materials for Chkirh, help to hide it from afar, giving views free of excess facial hair. It is the most famous convenient ways in which you can use if your skin can not tolerate regular hair removal operations at the present time. This method is suitable skinned women blonde and white, which does not suffer from excessive hair thick, and it is the kind of soft light.
Preferably can choose guaranteed products, and read the instructions thereto. There are customized for sensitive skin products, some of which are designed to suit the specific parts of the face. For example, cream peeling front hair or cheeks is not used for peeling hair above the lip.
But do not be complete concealment where the hair shows with strong lighting or in the sun, or if the cream used strong efficacy peeling the skin burgundy or brown. To ensure the comfort of your skin, use a moisturizer after Alchkir intensive process immediately.
- "Confuse amount of powder on Mekdarin of oxygen, Nmzjhm well until the mixture becomes the strength of the yen and the like yogurt, then wiping the face of cotton to clean it, and then distribute the mixture on the face with a soft brush, the excess hair areas," advises dealing with caution in the eyebrow area so as not to affected by the shape of the brow Baltftih, also recommends the experience of the mixture on the neck before the face, if we noticed redness or irritation of the skin refrain from continuing Alchkir, with the blend mode to avoid areas with pills or wounds, and move away from the eye. Mix and stays on the face for a period ranging between 10 to 15 minutes, while we note the color of facial hair changed to light golden color, Ivingsl face with lukewarm water several times to remove the final batter of the face, and then brush the face with olive oil to soften skin, completely away from the face wash soap or put "Mick" after Alchkir.
Recipes herbs that are used in hair removal from the face:
Chamomile opens Ishqr skin color and facial hair and Alemramip spayed face and remove acne scars and Alndbat.trivh are: Ttahném with some of the equal parts, and then, because they become like powder Put them boiling water and Guetém .. and let the mixture becomes like a paste and Ahtah before going to sleep.
Lemon Bleaching unwanted hair: lemon renowned as one of the best natural elements that work on lightening skin color and Alhar.trivh: Mix drops of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey bees, so mining is suitable to cover the skin and face area .adehna face mix, and leave for the amount of 20 minutes, then wash your face well with warm water.
Tomato Bleaching unwanted hair: characterized tomatoes being rich natural materials helps to lighten colors; so it can be used in bleaching facial hair safely. Method: Cut the fruit of the tomato in half, and each half Put on your face for two minutes, then place in cold water wash, repeat the process several times if necessary, until you get the desired result
Milk and papaya to Bleaching unwanted hair: Mix a little cold milk fruit of Babai mashed, Put the dough generated on your face with circular movements, for 10 minutes Leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then Wash your skin with cold water, and you'll notice change hair color.
Recipe Turmeric for Bleaching:
2 teaspoon of turmeric
2 tablespoon of plant Blogs
2 tablespoons of milk.
Mix the above ingredients together until they formed a thick paste.
Must be in areas that you would like to remove hair paste them cover.
Leave the dough to dry on the face, away from the eyes Mntqo.
Rub the paste on the face using fingertips.
You can repeat this treatment whenever necessary.
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